School of Science and Engineerin : SSE (Ecole de Sciences et d’Ingénierie)
Adresse: BP 104 Avenue Hassan II - 53000
Science & Master of Science initiale
Bachelor ofSciences de l'Ingénieur || Durée (3 ans)

We offer a world-class education that will prepare you to succeed in your career, wherever it takes you. By the time you graduate from AUI, you will be able to work in three languages: English, French, and Arabic. Our students interact closely with faculty who have a broad variety of recognized research and international experience. Through AUI’s small classes, many projects, and emphasis on communication skills, you will be technically proficient, socially responsible, and possess the high ethical character and entrepreneurial spirit expected of tomorrow’s leading professionals. Your degree from SSE prepares you for graduate studies as well as professional practice. Employers seek out our students for permanent employment, internships, conventions de stage, and capstone design. AUI students learn to work collaboratively in teams, manage projects, and apply what they learn in the classroom. They take advantage of opportunities to learn abroad and gain better cultural understanding and gain wider perspectives. Our students understand the detail as well as the big picture. SSE graduates work in Morocco and in countries around the globe. Our graduates frequently pursue advanced degrees. Many pursue masters degrees, and a good number have completed their doctorates at prestigious international universities. There is much more information on the SSE webpages, so please browse! Please feel free to arrange a visit! I would love to meet you and show you around SSE! Our Vision The School of Science and Engineering will be internationally recognized as the premier English-language engineering school in Morocco serving national and global needs through innovation, partnerships with industry, and international collaboration as a unique community of scholars. Our Mission The mission of the School of Science and Engineering is to foster the growth of engineering and scientific knowledge and its application through education, research, and service. Education: SSE produces graduates with a strong core understanding in in basic science, mathematics, and engineering who have the ability to continue learning how to apply this expertise and new knowledge to a wide range of engineering and societal problems. SSE prepares students to succeed as leaders, professionals, life-long learners, and responsible global citizens. SSE forms graduates with communication skills that will enable them to work effectively with people from different disciplines and nationalities. SSE programs will be internationally accredited or certified when possible. Research: SSE promotes research, scholarship, and creative endeavors and its dissemination in recognized international and national journals and conferences. SSE encourages undergraduate research and scholarly competitions. SSE promotes applied research activity with strategic industrial sectors, with an emphasis on R&D and entrepreneurial activities. Service: SSE plays a leadership role in the economic and social development of Morocco. SSE promotes the engineering and science professions by actively interacting with other academic institutions, professional bodies and societies, and the community.
The combined BS/MS programs allow qualified AUI students in the SSE to earn both Bachelor of Science and Master of Science degrees in a minimum of five years. This option permits a student to take graduate courses while completing undergraduate requirements. In addition, it waives the requirement for the undergraduate Capstone Design Project in favor of the graduate Master’s Project and up to 6 SCH of free elective undergraduate courses. The combined BS/MS program is designed to provide the student, through a broad base of study and specific concentration courses, with a solid foundation in core areas and an in-depth expertise in one advanced area.
Application to this program is open to SSE undergraduate students who have completed a minimum of 48 SCH, including at least 9 SCH in major area(s) of the graduate program (and in the case of more than one major, at least 6 SCH in each graduate major area), and who have not accumulated more than 126 SCH. Admission will be decided based on overall GPA, GPA in the concentration, and faculty recommendations. Applicants must have at least a 2.5 CGPA and a 3.00 GPA in each area required by the selected master program. Admission is subject to space availability.